It is very important that your players see the floor as there will be three different options happening at once. Your best shooter should start with the ball at the top of the key. If you have post players who can shoot well from the outside, this play will use them as a decoy to open up the key on the pick and roll.
Learn these basketball sets here with Coach Dave Taylor! Zone offense, out of bound plays and press break for beginners.
Great pick and roll action to ISOLATE THE POST!!!
5 and 4 set a staggered pick & roll for 1. As soon as 1 clears 5, 2 backscreens 5 to the block for a post-up. 2 and 4 then stagger away for 3.
Basic Basketball 101 pick and roll.
40-minute workout (Shoot free throws in between drills for the total of 40 minutes)
Sideline Touches:
Player starts in corner facing half court with a ball, passes the ball to the elbow to a coach, sprints wide/sideline and touches half court. Player turns and sprints wide sideline to coach’s box and angles toward the block receiving a return pass from the coach. He executes the following and can be repeated in the opposite corner.
- 1 Dribble power lay up
- 2 or 3 dribbles, baby hook (lay up on opposite side of the basket)
- 2or3 dribbles pull up bank shot
- 2 or 3 dribbles, stride stop step thru
- Catch at Half Court, speed dribble, reach out lay up (Steve Nash)
- Catch at Half Court, drive to block, back defender down (perimeter to post)
Triangle Shooting:
Triangle Shooting is a drill that gets players a lot of shots in a short period of time as well as working on their conditioning. We teach al of our guys to use a “one, two step” (Left/Right) on every shot. This consistency in their footwork ultimately leads to more consistent results. The repetition of Triangle Shooting allows players to really focus on improving their footwork.
- Shooter has to start at the top of the key
- After each shot the shooter must touch the top of the key
- Shots are taken from the elbows
- One, two step into every shot (left/right shoot)
- 2:00 shooting, passer is under the basket
50 Series:
50 Series is a quick drill that really works on a player’s ability to control the basketball. The use of a heavy ball (If available) during the first set makes the regular ball seem much lighter during the second set. This contrast allows plays players to pound the ball quicker, faster, and harder, which ultimately results in improved ball control.
- Two Sets of 50 (1st set use Heavy BalI, 2nd set use regular ball)
- 10 V dribbles In front with left hand (right to left In front of body)
- 10 V dribbles in front with right hand
- 10 Push/Pull dribbles with left hand (back/forth dribbles on side of body)
- 10 Push/Pull dribbles with right hand
- 10 Behind back dribbles.
Full Court Pitino:
Players begin in the corner at the full court level.
They execute the following movements and repeat these movements from the opposite corner, then returning.
A dummy defender is at the 25 ft. marker from each basket.
Begin with three dribbles in place, then a hard stutter at the coach’s box, dribbling with the hand closest to the sideline.
- Inside out, power lay up
- Inside out, cross over baby hook (lay up on opposite side of the basket)
- Hesitation, stride stop, step through
- Through the legs, runner or floater
- Euro Step
- Speed dribble into Bank Shot (last dribble must be pounded into floor then pull up)
- Speed dribble into 3 pt shot (same as above)
Vegas Close Outs:
Vegas Close Outs is a great drill to simulate the perfect close out technique. The player starts with his head under the rim. A coach/manager will be positioned on the wing just behind the 3 pt line. The play tosses the ball out to the coach to begin the drill. All the teaching points should be explained prior to the first close out. You can place coaches at various positions around the 3 pt line, which will allow multiple reps to take place at the same time.
- Run 1st, then short, choppy steps
- High hands, bent elbows, butt down, head back
- Yell "shot"/Play drive
- Touching distance in stance (defender should be able to touch the ball)
- Take shooter out of rhythm
This play is run against man-to-man defenses.
It features a staggered double screen for a shooter, then finishes with a staggered triple screen for a second shooter.
The play starts in a 1-4 high set.
#1 hits #5 at the elbow and then uses a back screen from #4.
#2 cuts across to the opposite block.
#3 jabs to get open.
#5 hits #3 as #2 cuts to the low post or short corner--whichever spot he is more effective from.
#3 can feed #2 or can hit #1 who is coming off the staggered double from #4 and #5.
To complete the play, #2, #4, and #5 set a staggered triple screen for #3.
Toughness and execution are the features of this three-point close out drill. The goal is for the offensive player to get an open three point shot at the top of the key. The defender's mission is to take the shot away. If he is successful they play 1 on 1 until a foul, basket, or defensive stop occurs.
Drill starts in these positions. 1 has to start in jump circle in the backcourt. On "Go" X1 sprints to touch baseline and out to close out on ball.
Goal for 1 is to drive the ball just above top of key and shoot uncontested three point jump shot. X1 goal is to closeout and take away the three.
Rule: If shooter is open he has to shoot the three.
If X1 takes three point shot away from 1 they play 1 on 1 from top of key.
If X1 gets stop he becomes offensive player. If not 1 will again have the ball with X1 as defender.
This can be an individual drill, playing to a certain score or a team competition.
You can use this as an individual or team drill. It fosters toughness, shot selection and three-point accuracy, decision making, closing out, defending and rebounding with two hands. It can add healthy peer pressure to your practices.
Contact Drill
Players partner up and start on sideline.
- Defenders put hands on Offense shoulders while Offense drives across the floor through the pressure.
- Offense takes power dribble stance and faces baseline. Player 2 puts forearm on Player 1’s inside shoulder and gives contact. Player 1 then step-slides up the court.
- Player 1 will be advancing the ball while Player 2 is trying to ride him out on his inside shoulder. It’s Player 1’s goal to cut into the path of Player 2 and veer behind him. Once there his goal is to stay on the inside position by keeping contact.
Straight Line Cat and Mouse
1 on 1. Offense and defense each have two basketballs.
The boundaries are marked by cones.
If the offense gets their shoulders past the defense they receive a point.
If the defense forces the offense to change directions, lose the basketball or go out of bounds they receive a point.
Play to seven, then change offense to defense.
React to Penetration
Slot Euro Pass: 1 minute on the clock. Player will attack off the dribble from the slot, pivot and pass to coach on opposite slot.
If Player delivers pass on target to coach, he will be rewarded with a shot on the weakside wing.
If the pass is not on target, coach will drop pass and let it roll away.
Hitting the shooter in his or her "shooting pocket" makes a huge difference in the shot going in. Even in the NBA when players have to reach up, down, or sideways to catch the ball, it throws off shot preparation.
You can run this drill from any area on the floor where your offense has penetration opportunities for passes to where your drive and space spots are.
Dribble Attack 1 on 1
Players will start on the baseline. One on offense with a basketball and the other on defense.
Player one must dribble around a chair which is outside the 3pt arc, player 2 must sprint around a corresponding chair at the same distance from baseline.
Then it’s live 1 on 1. You only get one shot. Offense stays if they score.
Jab Series 1 on 1
Player 1 starts under the rim. He must find a way to get open, if he does the coach will deliver a pass.
It's then 1 on 1 with a limit of three dribbles and one shot. Offense stays if they score. If Player 1 fails to get open within a time limit of five seconds, then his possession is over.